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Post №: 509
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link post  Posted: 31.07.07 22:34. Post subject: Вопросы от Эпика

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link post  Posted: 02.08.07 14:59. Post subject: Re:

Просто зачем она тогда в его прежний труп Кван До втыкала? Чтобы как раз туда его дух отправить?

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Post №: 154
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link post  Posted: 02.08.07 16:53. Post subject: Re:

Mirimani, In-Shellait
Поправил косяки в сюжете. Чтоб я без вас делал.
А про Орина и Каро что-то еще можете добавить? Где они охраняли спящих братьев? Что с ними после пробуждения братьев стало?

Понимаю, что достал, но не мог бы кто-нибудь из имеющих сериал под рукой выписать диалог Джолы и Шенга после того, как Шенг притащил Джолу в копи.(Хочу начать с того места, где закончилась серия) И несколько реплик Джолы по ходу сериала, которые бы раскрывали ее характер (боюсь с типажем промахнуться).

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Post №: 205
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link post  Posted: 02.08.07 18:00. Post subject: Re:

Можем: Орин и Каро их в Земном мире охраняли, и Каро Дэгон впоследствии использовал для генетических экспериментов, а Орина Куан Чи убил; Шиннок приказал Куан Чи так сделать, чтобы тот не смог открыть Тэйвену портал в Эдению.
Эпик пишет:

выписать диалог Джолы и Шенга после того, как Шенг притащил Джолу в копи.(Хочу начать с того места, где закончилась серия) И несколько реплик Джолы по ходу сериала, которые бы раскрывали ее характер (боюсь с типажем промахнуться).

Будет время, попробую; не знаю, как у меня на этой неделе получится.

хаос-мера порядка Спасибо: 0 
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link post  Posted: 02.08.07 18:10. Post subject: Re:

ок. Спасибо. Буду ждать

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Post №: 803
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link post  Posted: 02.08.07 21:37. Post subject: Re:

Понимаю, что достал, но не мог бы кто-нибудь из имеющих сериал под рукой выписать диалог Джолы и Шенга после того, как Шенг притащил Джолу в копи.

*Джола стоит на четвереньках, еще видимо не вполне понимая, что с ней произошло*
Ворпакс: Драконихе надрали задницу.
Шенг: Глупая девченка, я спас твою жизнь! Ты могла умереть.
Джола: Я уже побеждала! (самоуверенность ее и тут не покидала. Просто удивительно, если учесть, что перед самым моментом когда Шенг открыл для нее портал, она уже не могла колдовать и вообще, ей стало плохо до такой степени, что она сорвала с себя фамильный медальон Черных Драконов)
Шенг: В следующую секунду ты превратилась бы в пыль( тут уместно упомянуть, что папаша Джолы и ее брала Кебрала, рассказывал им в той же серии про их деда, своего отца, который точно так же "активировал" медальон, так сказать, и во время очередного боя, пользуясь своей магией, буквально исчез, испарился без следа. Интересно, откуда это знал Шенг? Видимо не только Джоле помогал получить силу медальона, но еще и ее деду). Ты самонадеянно использовала силы, о которых ты ничего не знаешь. Я так и знал, что ты это сделаешь. Их проклятие продолжилось в тебе, давая тебе власть, но ожидая момента, чтобы уничтожить тебя. Твои предки знали об этом. Теперь узнала ты.(In another second, you would have been dust. You arrogantly used powers you know nothing about. As I knew you would.
Their curse continues in you, feeding your power but waiting to consume you.
Your ancestors knew this.Now you have learned.)
Джола: Да, моя сила велика. Все, что мне нужно - это научиться управлять ими.
Шенг: У тебя будет время для этого...здесь. *обводит взглядом своды штольни, в которйо они находятся*
Джола: Что?! Что ты подразумеваешь?
*Ворпакс смеется*
Шенг: Ты останешься в копях со мной. Ты будешь тренироваться и изучать то, что я дал тебе.
Джола: Нет, Шенг Тсунг, отправь меня обратно. Сила принадлежит мне!
*Джола начинает волноваться, Шенгу становится скучно и он делает вид, что собрался уйти*
Шенг: Сила в тебе, но она-моя. Теперь ты принадлежишь мне, Джола.
*оборачивается и прибавляет*
Шенг:Это-мой подарок.
Ворпакс: Добро пожаловать!
( Про подарок-когда Джола убила отца, то сняла с его трупа этот самый фамильный медальон(кстати, интересно получается, дед Джолы испарился, но медальон остался в целости и сохранности) и явилась с ним в Копи, а Шенг сказал Ворпакс, что Джола принесла ему подарок из Земного мира.)

гонительница сирых и убогих

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link post  Posted: 03.08.07 15:19. Post subject: Re:

Спасибо, с характером думаю не ошибся.
То есть, получается, что медальон все еще у Джолы? И сила Джолы заемная? Сама по себе, без медальона, она никакая не дракониха?

Насколько я понимаю четкой легенды, откуда взялся медальон, нет? Впервые он появился, когда его стали использовать Черные драконы?

Это скриншот кобальтовых копей? А внизу река лавы, так?
[реклама вместо картинки]

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Post №: 516
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link post  Posted: 03.08.07 15:38. Post subject: Re:

То есть, получается, что медальон все еще у Джолы?


И сила Джолы заемная?

В каком смысле? Она была наделена ей Шан Цунгом. Раз он сказал, что спас её, значит он каим-то образом модет контролировать эти силы внутри Джолы

Сама по себе, без медальона, она никакая не дракониха?

Я полагаю медальон служит подобием моста между проклятием и его носителем

Это скриншот кобальтовых копей? А внизу река лавы, так?

Это вид сверху. Да, видимо лава

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link post  Posted: 03.08.07 16:22. Post subject: Re:

Ясно. Попробую увязать.

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Post №: 202
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link post  Posted: 02.04.08 11:07. Post subject: Снова вопрос. Зачем ..

Снова вопрос.
Зачем Кири нужно было убивать Кун Лао в серии про Нуб Сейбота? Она ж вроде против Шао Кана была.

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Post №: 250
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link post  Posted: 02.04.08 18:05. Post subject: Против Шао Кана-это ..

Против Шао Кана-это же не значит, что она союзница Кунг Лао. У нее могли быть свои личные причины ненавидеть Кунг Лао. Куан Чи тоже Шао Кану не служит, но и Кунг Лао не любит.

хаос-мера порядка Спасибо: 0 
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Post №: 952
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link post  Posted: 02.04.08 20:16. Post subject: Может, она хотела ег..

Может, она хотела его душу продать Императору? Ведь впоследствии Кири и Анха говорили, что никому не служат, а просто сотрудничают, пока им это выгодно. Вот Кири и сотрудничала с Нуб Сэйботом, направила к нему Сиро и Таджу, чтобы они его освободили а Нуб в качестве оплаты убил бы Кунга.

гонительница сирых и убогих

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Post №: 253
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link post  Posted: 03.04.08 19:04. Post subject: Тоже возможно...

Тоже возможно.

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Post №: 207
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link post  Posted: 09.04.08 14:17. Post subject: А может так: Кири и ..

А может так: Кири и Анха освободили Нуб Сейбота, чтобы тот убил чемпиона Земного царства и смог заслужить прощение Шао Кана. В итоге и Кан и Нуб благодарны Кири и Анхе. Блин, мне эта парочка все больше нравиться. Вот только как про них писать, чтоб в итоге слеш не вышел?

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Post №: 957
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link post  Posted: 12.04.08 01:10. Post subject: Вот только как про н..

Вот только как про них писать, чтоб в итоге слеш не вышел?

Про Кана и Нуба? А то фэм-слэш про Кири и Анху и так уже присутствует в оригинале.

гонительница сирых и убогих

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Post №: 208
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link post  Posted: 13.04.08 21:35. Post subject: Taja пишет: Про Кан..

Taja пишет:

Про Кана и Нуба?

Конечно, "никогда" - это всего лишь "адгокин" наоборот, но если я когда-нибудь такое напишу, сделайте мне, пожалуйста, фаталити.

Taja , а можно где-то субтитры по "Нуб Сейботу" взять и по той серии, где Кири Анку убивает? А то английский знаю плохо, а на уши переводчик не поставишь.

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link post  Posted: 14.04.08 02:06. Post subject: Субтитры к "Нуб ..

Субтитры к "Нуб Сайботу". Где Кири Анху убивает не помню, завтра посмотрю.

[more]00:00:14:19, 00:00:15:22, Ex cuse me...
00:00:19:07, 00:00:21:00, N o, no...
00:00:25:07, 00:00:28:11, - My... my hand slipped.|- Good way to get your fingers broken.
00:00:37:08, 00:00:40:20, - Pickpocket?|- Would-be pickpocket.
00:00:42:09, 00:00:43:17, I'm headed back.
00:00:46:11, 00:00:49:18, - Siro, you coming?|- Go ahead. I'll see you in a minute.
00:00:53:10, 00:00:54:15, Interested?
00:00:55:04, 00:00:56:15, Maybe.
00:00:58:04, 00:00:59:05, H ow much?
00:01:00:12, 00:01:01:14, What?
00:01:07:17, 00:01:09:22, Guess you want your|hand broken after all.
00:01:10:04, 00:01:12:08, More likely it's gonna be your head.
00:01:21:06, 00:01:22:16, Glad you brought help.
00:01:22:16, 00:01:23:12, Take him.
00:03:24:01, 00:03:27:20, In each of us there|burns a soul of a warrior.
00:03:28:16, 00:03:32:22, In every generation,|a few are chosen to prove it.
00:03:35:22, 00:03:42:15, Centuries ago in a time of darkness and|fury that fate befell three strangers.
00:03:42:16, 00:03:44:18, A monk - Kung Lao...
00:03:46:08, 00:03:48:21, An exiled guard - Siro...
00:03:51:02, 00:03:53:08, And a thief - Taja...
00:03:53:18, 00:03:58:13, Who have to defend our Earth|Realm from the forces of Outworld.
00:04:00:04, 00:04:02:06, By fighting for their lives.
00:04:03:10, 00:04:05:15, By fighting for their honour.
00:04:06:07, 00:04:07:18, Your soul is mine!
00:04:07:18, 00:04:09:11, And by fighting for their realm.
00:04:09:11, 00:04:11:08, It's the burden you must carry.
00:04:14:01, 00:04:19:20, In a tournament called...|Mortal Kombat.
00:04:25:02, 00:04:26:11, H ow about I even the odds a little?
00:04:29:04, 00:04:33:08, Wait, wait, wait! I know him.|They say he won Mortal Kombat.
00:04:33:08, 00:04:34:04, It's the monk.
00:04:34:04, 00:04:35:01, It's Kung Lao.
00:04:35:01, 00:04:36:17, Quickly. Come on.
00:04:38:22, 00:04:39:21, You okay?
00:04:41:15, 00:04:42:14, Yeah.
00:04:43:14, 00:04:46:20, - Why didn't you call out?|- I thought I could handle them.
00:04:52:00, 00:04:55:09, - Look, I said I was all right.|- You don't look very good.
00:04:55:12, 00:04:57:02, H ow would you feel?
00:04:58:10, 00:04:59:23, I can't believe you had to...
00:04:59:23, 00:05:02:19, - There were four of them.|- And you still had to step in.
00:05:02:19, 00:05:05:01, Yeah, after you practically|killed three of them.
00:05:07:07, 00:05:09:04, I just wish you'd called me.
00:05:10:08, 00:05:11:14, You're right.
00:05:12:18, 00:05:15:20, Listen, you go ahead.|I'll be along in a minute.
00:05:15:20, 00:05:17:03, You sure you're all right?
00:05:17:12, 00:05:18:21, I'm fine.
00:05:20:12, 00:05:22:13, I never got a good look at that|knife I wanted to buy.
00:05:22:13, 00:05:23:16, Okay.
00:05:24:03, 00:05:25:09, I'll see you later.
00:05:33:11, 00:05:35:00, Forgive the intrusion, sir...
00:05:35:22, 00:05:38:24, I saw what happened.|Perhaps I could help.
00:05:39:05, 00:05:41:18, - H elp with what?|- I have a friend.
00:05:42:07, 00:05:44:00, She's a very talented woman.
00:05:44:09, 00:05:47:02, I was thinking that maybe|we could ease your mind.
00:05:47:02, 00:05:49:10, Do I look like a need a couple|of women right now?
00:05:49:24, 00:05:53:06, - There's always time for two like us.|- Ah, take off.
00:05:53:06, 00:05:54:23, I'm sorry,|I think you misunderstand me.
00:05:54:23, 00:05:58:06, My friend is a seer. She knows things.
00:05:59:00, 00:06:01:09, - She could help you.|- H ey, you saw what happened.
00:06:01:19, 00:06:05:03, I lost a fight. H ow can a|fortune-teller help me with that?
00:06:05:03, 00:06:08:08, It's her speciality. She's remarkable.
00:06:10:13, 00:06:14:14, C ome to the Street of Oils and you|ask for the H ouse of the Falcon.
00:06:17:08, 00:06:20:01, - I don't...|- It's a gift you'll never forget.
00:06:20:20, 00:06:22:03, I promise.
00:06:46:02, 00:06:46:24, H ow's the head?
00:06:46:24, 00:06:49:03, N ews travels fast when|you get your butt kicked.
00:06:49:11, 00:06:52:06, Yeah, by four guys.|What were you thinking?
00:06:52:06, 00:06:53:22, Kung Lao said they were huge.
00:06:54:06, 00:06:55:20, N ot too big for his reputation.
00:06:55:20, 00:06:59:13, Well, at least they hit you in a safe spot -|your thick head.
00:07:00:02, 00:07:01:19, You think this is funny, Taja, huh?
00:07:02:19, 00:07:03:23, Sorry I brought it up.
00:07:03:23, 00:07:05:20, N ot as sorry as I am.
00:07:06:17, 00:07:08:19, Taja just wants to know you're all right.
00:07:08:24, 00:07:10:04, So do I.
00:07:10:06, 00:07:14:09, I'm fine! I told you both.|What else do you want?
00:07:14:12, 00:07:16:19, Should I fall down on my knees|and thank you for your help?
00:07:16:20, 00:07:18:12, Of course not, and you know it.
00:07:19:04, 00:07:21:11, I just wanted to say I think|I know how you're feeling.
00:07:21:13, 00:07:23:01, - Oh, do you?|- Yeah.
00:07:23:11, 00:07:26:14, You're big, you're fast,|you're a tremendous fighter.
00:07:26:14, 00:07:28:07, And you're not used to losing.
00:07:28:15, 00:07:30:06, Guess I better rethink that.
00:07:30:09, 00:07:33:00, C ome on, Siro, anybody would've|had trouble out there today.
00:07:33:00, 00:07:35:09, - Anybody?|- What, you mean me?
00:07:35:15, 00:07:38:18, Oh, you heard them,|Mortal Kombat champion.
00:07:38:18, 00:07:41:19, Believe me, I lost plenty of|fights while I was training.
00:07:41:19, 00:07:44:02, N ow what happened to me,|it wasn't training.
00:07:45:19, 00:07:47:06, Maybe training's the problem.
00:07:50:08, 00:07:53:15, If you don't want to lose anymore fights,|why didn't you work harder?
00:07:53:18, 00:07:58:06, You watch it, Kung Lao. I haven't exactly|been sitting on my ass all these years.
00:07:58:19, 00:08:03:10, You work hard. Maybe you just need a|little more focus. C oncentration.
00:08:03:18, 00:08:05:22, Fighting's as much|thinking as it is doing.
00:08:06:12, 00:08:10:09, All your focus and concentration|didn't help save Jen, did it?
00:08:13:20, 00:08:15:11, Damn you, Siro.
00:08:17:09, 00:08:23:10, Even if you ever learn to ask someone|for help, don't bother calling me.
00:08:24:07, 00:08:28:03, Don't worry. I don't need your help.
00:08:54:18, 00:08:55:13, Oh!
00:08:57:14, 00:08:59:09, H ey, you almost ran me over.
00:09:00:22, 00:09:02:20, This is the part where you|say you're sorry.
00:09:02:20, 00:09:04:20, Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I'm sorry.
00:09:05:16, 00:09:08:07, Boy, you've gone from touchy|to total jackass, you know that?
00:09:08:07, 00:09:11:02, Taja, I'm seriously not in the|mood for another talk.
00:09:12:22, 00:09:16:22, - N ow get out of my way.|- Siro, you really need to calm down here.
00:09:17:02, 00:09:19:01, You're very quickly losing friends.
00:09:21:16, 00:09:23:21, You're right. I'm sorry.
00:09:24:11, 00:09:26:10, - It's just that I'm in a hurry.|- Where're you going?
00:09:26:10, 00:09:27:15, To talk to someone.
00:09:27:15, 00:09:29:21, You just said you didn't|want to talk to anybody...
00:09:29:22, 00:09:33:14, and now you have an|appointment to chat? Who is it?
00:09:33:19, 00:09:35:00, I don't know.
00:09:36:00, 00:09:38:20, You don't want to talk to|someone you've never met.
00:09:43:00, 00:09:44:00, All right.
00:09:44:01, 00:09:46:24, I got a tip on the street about a|fortune-teller.
00:09:46:24, 00:09:47:24, Oh, Lord.
00:09:48:00, 00:09:50:18, N o, look, apparently she's supposed|to be very good and...
00:09:50:18, 00:09:56:06, and her friend said she could help me,|I don't know, to be a better fighter.
00:09:56:06, 00:09:59:20, Boy, this business with the thieves really|smacked your pride around, didn't it?
00:10:01:23, 00:10:05:04, - I'll go with you then.|- I think it's best if I go alone.
00:10:05:08, 00:10:08:08, In this state, you'll end up getting|fleeced out of your clothes.
00:10:09:01, 00:10:12:07, C ome on. N ow let's go|look into your crystal ball.
00:10:17:19, 00:10:21:09, - N ot the greatest part of town, is it?|- What's the matter?
00:10:21:16, 00:10:23:14, Afraid the seers will put|a spell on you?
00:10:23:14, 00:10:25:23, Yeah, the spell of|feeling really stupid.
00:10:26:14, 00:10:27:14, N ow come on, let's just...
00:10:27:14, 00:10:30:23, let's just ask somebody where we|are and get this over with.
00:10:35:19, 00:10:37:05, H ouse of the Falcon?
00:10:37:05, 00:10:39:22, - N ever heard of it.|- You're kidding.
00:10:40:12, 00:10:42:09, Should be around here somewhere.
00:10:42:09, 00:10:44:02, Doesn't ring a bell.
00:10:45:06, 00:10:46:12, Pay the nice man.
00:10:50:01, 00:10:51:20, Around the corner.
00:10:52:04, 00:10:53:17, Your future awaits.
00:11:06:21, 00:11:09:02, Atmosphere is everything in this business.
00:11:14:23, 00:11:16:12, You've made a wise choice.
00:11:16:12, 00:11:18:06, N o wonder you wanted to come.
00:11:19:03, 00:11:22:00, First things first, how much|is this gonna cost?
00:11:22:03, 00:11:24:07, N o. First visit's always free.
00:11:26:07, 00:11:27:08, Please.
00:11:40:14, 00:11:42:02, She senses you've come.
00:11:43:00, 00:11:44:20, As soon as you tell|her we're here, right?
00:11:45:10, 00:11:48:13, You'll see. She knows so many things.
00:11:50:01, 00:11:54:14, Really. Put out enough spooky stuff|and suddenly you're a magic lady.
00:11:55:03, 00:11:59:03, While we're here, might as well see what's|underneath all these pretty wrappings.
00:12:01:09, 00:12:03:06, C ome. Please.
00:12:05:11, 00:12:08:08, My friend. Kiri.
00:12:28:02, 00:12:31:21, U m, I'm Siro and this is Taja.
00:12:50:02, 00:12:53:08, Ankha, come to me.
00:13:06:20, 00:13:11:04, Go right ahead.|I don't want to miss any of this.
00:13:11:11, 00:13:15:14, So young and beautiful.|And strong-willed.
00:13:17:10, 00:13:18:21, You do not believe.
00:13:18:21, 00:13:22:07, - Only what I can see.|- Kiri will make you a believer.
00:13:22:19, 00:13:24:04, Watch.
00:13:39:01, 00:13:40:10, Beautiful cut.
00:13:40:19, 00:13:46:09, The blood follows the path of your|destiny. You are a mighty warrior.
00:13:46:09, 00:13:48:20, - That's what you get for free?|- There's more.
00:13:50:10, 00:13:51:15, Much more.
00:13:52:21, 00:13:55:09, You face a great task and yet...
00:13:56:18, 00:14:00:19, you feel doubt,|you question your own skills.
00:14:01:04, 00:14:03:21, - What else do you see?|- You are a proud man.
00:14:03:21, 00:14:07:08, - Everybody knows that.|- N o. Say nothing.
00:14:07:13, 00:14:08:19, Let her doubt.
00:14:09:13, 00:14:11:09, But for you it is all here.
00:14:12:01, 00:14:17:01, - A path to greatness.|- H ow? What greatness?
00:14:17:01, 00:14:21:07, Zhu Zin is built on the|ruins of other cities...
00:14:22:16, 00:14:25:12, buried with them are|ancient mysteries.
00:14:26:02, 00:14:27:22, What's that got to do with me?
00:14:27:23, 00:14:34:05, In the darkest depths is a mystical|shrine guarded by two powerful warriors.
00:14:34:15, 00:14:38:04, Defeat them and their|skills will flow into you.
00:14:38:10, 00:14:42:24, From that moment,|you alone will fight as an army.
00:14:43:04, 00:14:45:13, Defeat two men and my life'll change?
00:14:45:13, 00:14:49:08, Kung Lao defeated only one, Shang Tsung.
00:14:49:24, 00:14:51:17, If the tales are true...
00:14:54:15, 00:14:56:17, But Ankha is correct.
00:14:57:07, 00:15:01:20, Men fear and respect your|friend for only one battle.
00:15:02:00, 00:15:05:22, Siro, this is a joke.|H idden cities, mystical warriors.
00:15:05:22, 00:15:07:24, H er disbelief is boring.
00:15:08:10, 00:15:12:01, I offer you this...|a path to greatness.
00:15:12:12, 00:15:14:07, Disregard me, if you can.
00:15:14:12, 00:15:17:00, But look deep in your own heart...
00:15:17:06, 00:15:22:05, and see if you wish to be one|of the greatest warriors on earth.
00:15:22:15, 00:15:24:03, That is all I ask.
00:15:36:12, 00:15:40:00, You really know that defeating these|warriors will increase my power?
00:15:40:04, 00:15:43:01, Ten fold... a hundred fold.
00:15:43:04, 00:15:46:24, Wait, if these warriors exist,|how come others...
00:15:46:24, 00:15:49:22, everyone for that matter,|hasn't gone down there to defeat them?
00:15:49:22, 00:15:52:16, Many have.|And they are dead.
00:15:54:14, 00:15:58:15, These guards are fighters,|chosen for their skills.
00:15:59:03, 00:16:02:15, Only one with great courage can|hope to defeat them.
00:16:02:19, 00:16:04:09, Why have you told me this?
00:16:05:12, 00:16:09:03, It is you who sought me.|I only read what I see.
00:16:09:03, 00:16:11:02, But the blood does not lie.
00:16:11:12, 00:16:16:03, You are one of few who could dare|challenge the depths of Zhu Zin.
00:16:16:03, 00:16:20:07, Your journey begins at the|Underworld Gate. Follow the talisman.
00:16:20:07, 00:16:21:13, Follow your destiny.
00:16:21:15, 00:16:23:24, Why don't you follow me, Siro.|Let's get out of here.
00:16:25:12, 00:16:27:00, N othing's for free.
00:16:51:23, 00:16:55:05, - Look, I know she's weird, but...|- Weird doesn't begin to cover it.
00:16:55:09, 00:16:57:00, And how about her friend, huh?
00:16:57:00, 00:16:59:13, I mean, you know this is all|just hocus-pocus crap, right?
00:16:59:13, 00:17:02:19, - Yeah, of course. But why?|- Who knows?
00:17:02:19, 00:17:05:00, To suck us into coming back probably.
00:17:05:10, 00:17:06:21, C ome on, let's go home.
00:17:31:03, 00:17:32:24, I thought Siro helped set up.
00:17:33:17, 00:17:35:15, H e does, but he's not here.
00:17:36:19, 00:17:38:11, H e got up early and left.
00:17:38:16, 00:17:43:20, I don't know where he went or when he'll|be back. And frankly, I don't care.
00:17:43:20, 00:17:44:24, Okay.
00:17:45:09, 00:17:48:18, - There's a story in here somewhere.|- We got into it yesterday.
00:17:48:18, 00:17:50:23, - Into it?|- H e did something stupid.
00:17:50:23, 00:17:53:04, Great. I love it. Tell me.
00:17:53:04, 00:17:57:14, He was attacked by four men and instead|of calling for help, he almost gets killed.
00:17:57:14, 00:17:58:12, Almost?
00:17:59:22, 00:18:03:00, What a pity. Oh, nothing against|Siro, it's just that, um...
00:18:03:00, 00:18:04:20, stories are always better|when someone gets killed.
00:18:05:03, 00:18:09:08, Well, he came damn close.|I stepped in and he turned against me.
00:18:09:08, 00:18:10:09, H urt his pride.
00:18:10:09, 00:18:13:11, It's all false pride.|Foolish pride with him.
00:18:15:08, 00:18:16:19, H e said things I won't forget.
00:18:16:19, 00:18:20:04, - Because your pride won't allow it?|- Because my anger won't.
00:18:20:21, 00:18:22:18, Often just another word for the same thing.
00:18:24:05, 00:18:26:03, Look, sorry about the squabble.
00:18:26:04, 00:18:28:09, Probably lost a good friend there.|I'm off.
00:18:28:10, 00:18:29:24, - Rayden?|- H mm?
00:18:30:18, 00:18:32:21, I don't really want to lose|Siro's friendship.
00:18:32:23, 00:18:35:11, You probably should've thought of that|before you got into it with him.
00:18:37:20, 00:18:43:06, You know, Kung Lao, there's yet another|face of pride. It's called forgiveness.
00:18:53:16, 00:18:55:02, I knew you were planning this.
00:18:55:14, 00:18:57:24, You disappeared all day so|I came here and waited.
00:18:58:04, 00:19:01:19, Very clever.|N ow either leave or give me a hand.
00:19:01:19, 00:19:07:03, It's rusted shut. Which means people don't|go here, which means you shouldn't either.
00:19:07:03, 00:19:09:11, If you're so worried, come along.
00:19:10:24, 00:19:12:04, Siro, don't.
00:19:12:16, 00:19:17:10, If there's any chance what Kiri said|is true, I want to see it. Good-bye.
00:19:20:10, 00:19:25:19, - You stupid fool. C ome back!|- No!
00:19:27:21, 00:19:29:21, If you don't die down there,|I'll kill ya.
00:19:41:07, 00:19:42:16, Sure you wanna come?
00:19:43:16, 00:19:45:02, Yeah, sure.
00:19:47:14, 00:19:51:05, If only to see your sorry|face when it turns out to be nothing.
00:19:59:11, 00:20:01:10, Kiri said the talisman would guide us.
00:20:05:02, 00:20:08:24, Whoa. Like it knows|we're talking about it.
00:20:08:24, 00:20:10:02, Spooky.
00:20:11:08, 00:20:12:14, So guide us.
00:20:23:17, 00:20:25:22, Guess it's this way. Let's go.
00:20:30:04, 00:20:32:19, So far, so good.|This thing is working.
00:20:36:12, 00:20:39:10, Kiri must be for real.|Ex citing, huh?
00:20:39:21, 00:20:41:00, Very.
00:20:46:16, 00:20:49:01, - Evening.|- Looking for a blade?
00:20:49:01, 00:20:52:14, Me? N o. Actually a friend of mine was|looking at a knife.
00:20:52:14, 00:20:57:14, Yes, I remember. The big man|in the fight. An ex cellent blade.
00:20:59:20, 00:21:00:22, This one?
00:21:02:18, 00:21:03:19, H ow much?
00:21:12:09, 00:21:14:14, - Careful, Taja.|- What is it?
00:21:16:18, 00:21:17:21, You don't want to know.
00:21:18:16, 00:21:23:08, Bones? Rats? I'm starting|to seriously hate this place.
00:21:26:05, 00:21:29:09, H ate it later.|We're very close. C ome on.
00:21:39:00, 00:21:41:12, - Well?|- They're on their way.
00:21:41:18, 00:21:44:06, - They?|- The girl went also.
00:21:45:04, 00:21:47:08, Interesting, after all her doubting.
00:21:48:06, 00:21:50:23, If they fail, I'll be happy|to know she's dead.
00:21:51:24, 00:21:54:05, Jealous of a child like that?
00:21:56:20, 00:21:57:21, Yeah.
00:21:59:05, 00:22:00:09, Perhaps 'cause...
00:22:00:18, 00:22:03:10, 'cause she's dying down|there and I want to kill her.
00:22:07:14, 00:22:12:16, Sweet Ankha, so loyal and comforting.
00:22:14:19, 00:22:17:21, N o. The woman is nothing.
00:22:19:13, 00:22:21:07, And don't think of failure.
00:22:22:19, 00:22:26:07, Think of success. As I do.
00:22:31:04, 00:22:33:19, That's the third time I've slipped.|What is this?
00:22:34:01, 00:22:37:07, Some kind of oil.|It's all over the place.
00:22:50:01, 00:22:52:13, Same falcon. We're right on track.
00:23:03:05, 00:23:05:08, - Did you hear that?|- What?
00:23:06:14, 00:23:09:11, Siro, I don't like this.|Something's not right.
00:23:09:11, 00:23:12:00, It's exactly right.|Something's down here. C ome on.
00:23:13:17, 00:23:15:24, Look, you're the one with|the good instincts.
00:23:15:24, 00:23:18:02, Can't you feel that there's|something very wrong?
00:23:18:02, 00:23:21:12, I do have good instincts and they're|telling me Kiri was right. Let's go!
00:23:21:12, 00:23:22:13, C ome on.
00:23:22:17, 00:23:24:22, "Kiri was right. Let's go. C ome on".
00:23:46:20, 00:23:48:03, We need more light.
00:23:57:03, 00:23:58:01, Ah!
00:24:01:18, 00:24:04:03, Easy. They're just statues.
00:24:05:05, 00:24:06:01, See?
00:24:10:16, 00:24:13:21, - What are they doing here?|- They're ceremonial warriors.
00:24:20:09, 00:24:21:23, Where are the real guards?
00:24:22:18, 00:24:26:07, They're not here, okay? Are you|satisfied? Let's go, Siro, please.
00:24:26:07, 00:24:28:06, After all this way? N o.
00:24:28:11, 00:24:31:10, H ey, if I can find these guys and|fight them, it'll all be worth it.
00:24:32:01, 00:24:33:19, Well, you're on your own, I'm leaving.
00:24:33:19, 00:24:38:02, Alone? Go back to the tunnel and wait.|I'm going to check further.
00:24:38:05, 00:24:40:11, Okay, but hurry.|I'm not gonna wait long.
00:24:49:15, 00:24:50:18, Siro!
00:24:52:12, 00:24:53:13, Taja!
00:24:54:18, 00:24:56:06, H ey, guys, where are you?
00:24:57:15, 00:24:59:02, Where'd they go this late?
00:27:11:12, 00:27:13:05, Are you okay?
00:27:14:02, 00:27:16:05, - If you hadn't come...|- I heard the fight.
00:27:16:10, 00:27:18:08, Why the hell didn't you call for me?
00:27:18:16, 00:27:20:19, God, Siro, are you ever gonna learn?
00:27:21:16, 00:27:24:02, C ome on, let's go.|Who knows what else is down here.
00:27:24:15, 00:27:25:22, Do you feel anything?
00:27:26:01, 00:27:31:21, - Yeah. Fear, panic, loathing...|- N o, I mean in your body.
00:27:32:00, 00:27:32:20, What?
00:27:32:23, 00:27:35:14, You're the one who|killed the two warriors.
00:27:36:01, 00:27:39:21, Did their powers go into you?|Are you stronger like Kiri said?
00:27:39:21, 00:27:43:12, - Of course not. It was all a crock.|- Those were for real.
00:27:43:24, 00:27:45:20, Are you sure you don't feel anything?
00:27:45:20, 00:27:50:01, Yeah, I feel weak-kneed from being scared|out of my mind, now come on, let's go.
00:28:00:08, 00:28:01:08, It's locked.
00:28:01:08, 00:28:04:05, - Kung Lao must have gone out.|- Yeah, probably to look for us.
00:28:04:12, 00:28:06:12, We're not in any shape to|go looking for him.
00:28:07:07, 00:28:08:05, All right.
00:28:10:16, 00:28:14:19, I don't get it. Kiri knew about the|place, the warriors, but...
00:28:14:19, 00:28:17:17, but she was wrong about their powers|being transferred to the victor.
00:28:17:21, 00:28:19:10, The whole thing sounds like a set-up.
00:28:19:10, 00:28:20:08, For what?
00:28:20:08, 00:28:23:20, - I don't know. To have us killed?|- But why?
00:28:24:16, 00:28:28:14, - I'm not the fortune-teller, go ask Kiri.|- Oh, believe me, I will.
00:28:32:13, 00:28:33:20, Look, uh...
00:28:36:14, 00:28:38:23, do you think we can keep this|whole thing to ourselves?
00:28:39:11, 00:28:41:21, I really don't want to get into|it with Kung Lao again.
00:28:42:00, 00:28:44:24, Tell you what,|I won't say a word if...
00:28:45:11, 00:28:48:07, you get rid of those clothes.|They reek.
00:28:48:11, 00:28:51:06, I'll burn 'em in the morning.|Let's get some rest.
00:28:55:00, 00:28:57:11, - Good night.|- Good night.
00:29:32:24, 00:29:37:12, Mmm, you have a wonderful touch.
00:29:50:10, 00:29:51:16, Yes...
00:29:52:04, 00:29:53:09, Finally...
00:29:53:21, 00:29:55:19, - Is he?|- Yes...
00:30:01:17, 00:30:03:10, Free at last.
00:30:14:15, 00:30:16:06, N oob Saibot.
00:30:16:06, 00:30:17:17, Leave us.
00:30:20:20, 00:30:24:16, She stays. We have no secrets.
00:30:24:17, 00:30:29:20, - A new trifle of yours?|- As I said, we have no secrets.
00:30:29:22, 00:30:33:08, It was you that sent the two that|killed the general's guards.
00:30:33:20, 00:30:34:22, Who else?
00:30:34:22, 00:30:36:23, And if Shao Kahn|learns you've betrayed him?
00:30:36:23, 00:30:40:06, But I haven't.|The emperor has given me a task.
00:30:40:14, 00:30:42:10, One that we can complete together.
00:30:42:10, 00:30:45:18, You still serve him even though he has|banished me from Outworld...
00:30:45:18, 00:30:48:07, and forced me|to live in that black hell?
00:30:48:07, 00:30:53:05, - H e does not tolerate failure. N or do I.|- I have never failed you.
00:30:54:02, 00:30:58:05, On the contrary, you|have served me well...
00:31:00:03, 00:31:01:20, in many ways.
00:31:01:20, 00:31:07:03, - Who hasn't served you?|- N ow, now. H e is an old friend.
00:31:08:02, 00:31:09:16, Who I need now.
00:31:10:04, 00:31:14:02, That is why I sent the mortals to|defeat the warriors guarding you.
00:31:14:02, 00:31:16:11, I have traded one prison for another.
00:31:16:11, 00:31:18:22, The Emperor will kill me if I|try to return to my realm.
00:31:18:22, 00:31:22:19, No. Earn his favour.|Return a hero.
00:31:22:19, 00:31:23:24, How so?
00:31:23:24, 00:31:27:16, Kill one man and Shao Kahn|will be in your debt.
00:31:27:22, 00:31:30:04, - A mortal?|- Yes.
00:31:30:09, 00:31:33:13, - Done.|- Do not underestimate your challenge.
00:31:33:14, 00:31:37:00, - Others have failed.|- N o human is my equal.
00:31:37:08, 00:31:42:18, - H m. Few of any realm are.|- What is his name?
00:31:43:09, 00:31:44:18, Kung Lao.
00:31:53:04, 00:31:54:22, When he is dead...
00:31:56:19, 00:31:59:00, perhaps we can all celebrate.
00:32:11:09, 00:32:13:11, - Morning.|- Morning.
00:32:14:12, 00:32:16:08, - What's that?|- From Kung Lao.
00:32:17:03, 00:32:19:23, Must've slipped in during the night,|left it on the table.
00:32:19:23, 00:32:22:19, - Peace offering.|- Yeah. H ave you seen him?
00:32:22:24, 00:32:27:06, C ourtyard. H e was up at|dawn already working out. U gh.
00:32:31:00, 00:32:32:01, Kung Lao.
00:32:35:12, 00:32:37:21, - I got your present.|- I hope it suits you.
00:32:42:11, 00:32:43:12, My God...
00:32:43:12, 00:32:44:17, Kung Lao!
00:32:48:23, 00:32:50:16, Who are you?
00:32:50:24, 00:32:52:17, Your ex ecutioner.
00:32:55:06, 00:32:58:21, The time and place of your|death will be of my choosing.
00:32:58:21, 00:33:02:21, But know this, you will die.
00:33:08:14, 00:33:11:19, - What was that?|- And how did he get up there?
00:33:11:19, 00:33:15:08, Whatever it is, we can't let|it loose in Zhu Zin.
00:33:15:23, 00:33:17:19, Kung Lao, he just said|he was here to kill you.
00:33:18:01, 00:33:21:07, Believe me, I heard him.|Did you see him from above?
00:33:21:13, 00:33:25:05, Yeah, we saw him, but I don't know|how he got here, he just sort of appeared.
00:33:25:05, 00:33:27:04, There's something I need to tell you...
00:33:29:02, 00:33:30:17, Siro, I think we should let him...
00:33:34:17, 00:33:37:20, Damn, not again. I think I know.
00:33:43:21, 00:33:46:15, - Where is she?|- She's finishing her bath.
00:33:47:12, 00:33:49:23, Kiri, our warrior's returned.
00:33:51:03, 00:33:56:05, Ah, our hero. You did well, I trust.
00:33:56:12, 00:34:00:06, - I should kill you both.|- H mm, kill us? For what?
00:34:00:06, 00:34:02:08, I just told you your fortune.
00:34:03:01, 00:34:04:21, Ankha, my oils.
00:34:06:00, 00:34:08:05, - You should relax.|- Want a massage?
00:34:11:09, 00:34:12:21, You, talk to me.
00:34:15:01, 00:34:19:03, Mmm, pity.|They were expensive.
00:34:23:13, 00:34:26:10, - H e was here.|- Who?
00:34:30:06, 00:34:33:02, That thing you had me|free from that oily hell.
00:34:41:18, 00:34:43:14, Don't play with me.
00:34:44:14, 00:34:47:00, Intriguing thought, us playing together.
00:34:50:05, 00:34:51:23, You depraved bitch!
00:34:53:14, 00:34:54:21, Where's that monster?
00:34:55:10, 00:34:59:03, That monster is a warrior with skills|beyond your comprehension.
00:35:02:03, 00:35:04:02, H e has come to kill Kung Lao.
00:35:04:15, 00:35:09:01, N o, it won't happen. I won't let it.
00:35:09:04, 00:35:10:04, H mm.
00:35:11:08, 00:35:12:20, Better hurry then.
00:35:17:08, 00:35:19:20, Follow your destiny, Siro.
00:35:27:05, 00:35:30:01, A fortune-teller? What has she|got to do with any of this?
00:35:31:00, 00:35:33:23, Why do you think Siro came here?|Taja?
00:35:34:08, 00:35:35:20, That black thing that|threatened to kill you...
00:35:35:20, 00:35:37:24, I think is somehow connected|to this Kiri woman.
00:35:37:24, 00:35:39:22, - And?|- And if I'm right...
00:35:40:00, 00:35:42:09, Siro's in trouble, we ...

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link post  Posted: 14.04.08 02:06. Post subject: Субтитры к "Нуб ..

... have to hurry.|I'll tell you the rest on the way.
00:35:47:15, 00:35:50:23, I'm betting he felt responsible|for that thing that threatened you...
00:35:50:24, 00:35:52:23, and he took off alone to destroy it.
00:35:53:04, 00:35:55:17, Or get himself killed. Siro!
00:35:55:20, 00:35:59:03, - C ome on, Siro, where are you? Siro!|- Siro!
00:36:00:03, 00:36:03:06, - Oh, God, what if we're too late?|- Take it easy, Taja.
00:36:03:19, 00:36:05:00, We don't even know if...
00:37:29:17, 00:37:30:21, Kung Lao!
00:38:47:19, 00:38:50:18, C ome on, let's go!|Go, go, come on!
00:38:58:06, 00:39:00:01, What the hell were|you doing down there?
00:39:00:04, 00:39:02:02, U s? We were looking for you.
00:39:02:05, 00:39:05:00, When you disappeared, I thought for|sure you'd run off half-cocked again.
00:39:05:08, 00:39:06:22, What? Do you think I'm nuts?
00:39:07:10, 00:39:10:04, Both of you guys screaming at|me about my stupid pride...
00:39:10:10, 00:39:12:17, telling me not to be|afraid to ask for help...
00:39:12:19, 00:39:16:10, when I realized Kiri was behind this,|I went straight back to the Trading Post...
00:39:16:11, 00:39:18:17, so the three of us|could go after that thing.
00:39:19:01, 00:39:19:21, H ey...
00:39:20:13, 00:39:21:23, I learned my lesson.
00:39:22:07, 00:39:23:08, Look...
00:39:24:16, 00:39:25:24, - I'm sorry...|- Yeah.
00:39:28:24, 00:39:30:08, I think we both are.
00:39:36:22, 00:39:39:13, I mean he was, he was huge...
00:39:39:13, 00:39:44:03, a guy or if it was something|totally different. It was just black...
00:39:44:03, 00:39:46:08, Yeah, and he had this mask|and he will cover his face...
00:39:46:08, 00:39:47:08, And he would come up...
00:39:47:08, 00:39:48:22, - right behind us, and a minute...|- I know him.
00:39:48:22, 00:39:51:21, Wait a minute, wait a minute.|Did you say you know him?
00:39:51:21, 00:39:53:03, You know this thing?
00:39:53:16, 00:39:57:17, H is name's N oob Saibot.|H e's from a distant realm.
00:39:58:08, 00:39:59:24, Isn't everyone nowadays?
00:39:59:24, 00:40:02:23, Shao Kahn banished him.|Even I didn't know he was in Earth Realm.
00:40:02:23, 00:40:06:01, - What is he?|- A ninja, with amazing powers.
00:40:06:03, 00:40:09:03, - C orrection. A dead ninja.|- You're certain of that?
00:40:10:13, 00:40:11:22, Well, he has to be.
00:40:13:03, 00:40:15:16, H e blew up in flames.|N othing could survive that.
00:40:17:01, 00:40:18:10, Pray you're right.`

но если я когда-нибудь такое напишу, сделайте мне, пожалуйста, фаталити.

Да ладно, если это в виде стэба ( и не высокорейтингово ) - вполне можно написать. Но тогда слэш конечно не будет основной составляющей

гонительница сирых и убогих

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link post  Posted: 14.04.08 19:01. Post subject: Спасибо за титры. Ки..

Спасибо за титры. Кири убивает Анху вродеб в 18-й серии.
Taja пишет:

Да ладно, если это в виде стэба ( и не высокорейтингово ) - вполне можно написать.

Разве что в виде оооочень жестокого стеба. Но я не настолько жестокий.

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link post  Posted: 15.04.08 22:33. Post subject: Ну, в принципе и по ..

Ну, в принципе и по сюжету фильма видно, что героини друг к другу неравнодушны. Хотя я бы лично не стала на этом акцент делать. Упомянуть к слову-можно. В качестве стеба я сама упоминала про некоторые не очень традиционные предпочтения героев (чего стоит Тьен в моем фанфике), но вообще это был стеб скорее над нашими реалиями (см. мой форум), чем над героем, и, ИМХО, как-то подробное описание таких вещей в фанфике не очень будет к месту.

хаос-мера порядка Спасибо: 0 
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link post  Posted: 16.04.08 18:01. Post subject: Mirimani пишет: как..

Mirimani пишет:

как-то подробное описание таких вещей в фанфике не очень будет к месту.

Его не будет

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